Saturday, September 11, 2010

Greta's Parade

Today was the first day of my biking adventures! Of course, Greta (my bike) wasn't ready for the road until equipped with basket and bell, which I purchased this week, making it vintage fab for a sunny, Saturday morning!

The morning began when I met Natalie for a Fuzzy breakfast taco, complete with a Fuzzy driver.  After our breakfast, we hit the trail!  I was a bit nervous about riding on the main streets for the first time, so Natalie followed behind me in her Tahoe.  Can you imagine?  Natalie is coasting behind me with her hazards flashing, while I leisurely ride down Broadway Avenue!  

As we approach the corner of Broadway and Avenue Q, we see a horse parade!  I'm not kidding, either!  Today is the annual Cowboy Symposium festival, and a horse parade through downtown is part of the festivities!  We watched the cowboys, buggies and stagecoaches stride down the street.  Incredible.  

After watching for a few minutes, we decided to continue on towards the Downtown Art Market.  This event is once a month at the Tornado Gallery on Buddy Holly Ave and it's definitely one of the coolest events this city has!  It reminds me of the outdoor markets in Europe, where vendors bring all their different goods.  Flowers, vegetables, folk art,  jewelry, and much more are on display and for sale.  I went first to the Therapy booth, products made by my sweet friend Marci Gutheil and her sister, Val.  The booth is filled with wonderful creations like felt flower hair pens, floral satches, jewelry and dresses.  Across from Therapy, I found a children's clothing booth that had a bright red poodle skirt calling Madilyn's name.  Madi wears her black poodle skirt EVERYWHERE, so I thought I should encourage her collection. I saw many friends, old and new, and enjoyed visiting with them all.  Next, I purchased fresh garden flowers that looked mighty nice in my pretty, little wicker basket.  After all this fun, it was time to return home.  I loaded my basket, hopped on Greta, and rode through the red brick downtown streets toward home.

Ok, maybe not home, just Fuzzy's.  This first trip I parked my car at Fuzzy's and rode the bike downtown.  Natalie had to go on to work, so I made the trip back on my own and I was feeling confident about my new found hobby.  Until I see the parade.  ANOTHER parade!  This time it was some sort of Mexican parade, I think celebrating Mexican Independence.  Well, I start trying to figure out how I'm going to cross the street and get back over to Fuzzy's, when I see the low-rider boys.  Let me explain.

While at Fuzzy's Taco shop earlier in the morning, a group of Hispanic guys in a low rider pull up to the restaurant.  Natalie and I were sitting on the patio, and I guess we looked friendly, so they said hello.  They also watched our comedic show in the parking lot, as I clumsily learned to steer my bike, as Nat laughed hysterically.  So, what are the odds these same guys are in the parade and happen to be right in front of me as I come to the parade route?  Likely, because they were, and they asked me to join the parade!  
"Get in front of us!  Come on, just do it!  Get in front of us!" They shouted. 
"I can't!" I replied, but quickly decided it was the only way to get back over to my car.  I thought for a moment and I did what any sensible person would do.  
                               I joined the Mexican parade.

What a morning!  What a beautiful morning; the sun shining on my face, the wind blowing through my hair (what's left of it) and candy falling into my basket as I rode in a parade.  This I know: Greta and I are going to be great friends.

~Truly, Cinderella

Saturday, August 21, 2010


SIMPLIFY: verb.  Make (something) easier to do or understand

After my stint in Europe, I came to the realization that my life, like most Americans, is entirely too complex.  It begins with the Joneses.  We are all so busy working: to make more money: to buy more stuff: so that when we drive our new cars, and park in our large custom designed homes,  and sleep in our king size foam mattresses we can feel good about ourselves and our lives.  The same applies to our children. We have them involved in numerous activities each semester, not usually giving them the chance to master one, but hoping they try everything so they will be the ultimate "best at everything, well-rounded" individual.  As mothers we drive big SUV's just in case we might take the entire soccer team for ice cream after practice.  Sure, it comes in handy in such instances, but be honest: how often does this really happen?  We are using fuel unnecessarily, and unhealthily for the sake of what?  Convenience?   Or dare I say it.... Pride?  Especially in my neck of the woods, or shall I say, flatlands.  West Texas is king of BIG.  We like our vehicles, our homes, our serving sizes, and even our hair-big!  It's in our blood.  Maybe it's because we have the space to do it.  Or maybe it's leftover from the frontier mentality: settle, conquer, and tame the land- in large proportions.  

I think we've lost sight of what's important, and what truly brings success.  And what about our universities?  Think about college football.  The bigger the stadium, the better the recruits.  And better recruits means more attendance at games, earning more money for the University.  But where does all this money go? Is it funded back into professor's salaries, or better classrooms?   Is our goal to truly nurture and educate the mind, body and spirit?  Or is it to build bigger stadiums?  As one professor once told me,  having a liberal arts degree in today's America, just means that you have learned a little about all disciplines in order to conduct a conversation at a cocktail party.  Is this really what we want of our future?  Exhausted, over-worked, over-weight individuals who know nothing of true realities, but enough of something to converse at a cocktail party?

Ok, ok, I haven't gone completely leftist rogue, but I do see the world much differently.  And I plan to change my life for the simple.  I began this transformation in Stockholm.  The first step for me, was the haircut.  Any woman can attest a change in life results in a change of hairstyle.  I chopped mine off, almost pixie style, and I absolutely love it!  I must admit, I was a bit nervous cutting off a 12 inch ponytail, but I have no regrets.  It takes all of 10 minutes to style my classic, chic hair, which leaves time to do more important things.

My second step in achieving simplicity is to buy a bike.  I know it will be difficult to commute on a bike in my area, but there are places I can ride instead of drive.  Starbucks, the grocery store, the drugstore, a best friend's home, and the park are all in biking distance.  Therefore I save fuel, and get much needed exercise.  
My new bike!  

Another change for the better:  my youngest daughter has chosen to attend the school a block from our home.  She is very excited to walk to school daily, as am I.  We will save gas, and enjoy our leisurely walks together every morning.  Dinnertime has always been important to our family, so instead of running all over town in the evenings, we are choosing to cook our family dinner's at home.  We spend quality time together, while learning to make some amazing cuisine. 

I'm looking forward to the exciting school year in front of us, and now I must tend to the chore of downsizing.  I will rid my garage of stuff!  Simplistic living, fairy-tale style!


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Goodbye Stockholm

Thank goodness my commitment to my new husband is stronger than to my blog! 

I've been a busy lady these last few months.  I finished planning our wedding, went to Florida for our honeymoon, and packed Matt for his extended trip to Sweden.  Two weeks later, Bella and I joined him.  What a whirlwind!

We have been here for nearly a month and tomorrow Bella and I head back home, leaving Matt here to work for awhile.  We have had a lovely time and I'm absolutely heartbroken to leave him here alone. Even the weather is SAD.  It's rained all day, and Matthew said Stockholm is crying because it's sad to see me go.  I'm feeling gloomy, too.  This has been the most amazing experience; the people are genuine, the food exquisite, and the history rich and abundant.  European culture suites me, and this visit has confirmed my desire to travel. 

We are going to dine in the area of Ostermalm this last evening.   This part of Stockholm is my favorite; fine restaurants, many stylish boutiques and salons, breath-taking architecture, and beautiful people.  Shopping is different here as they don't have the typical American malls, the boutiques are much more quaint.  Also, the shops  (most everything, but the restaurants) close by 6:00.   Overall, I think this is good, because emphasis is not on dirty materialism, (though they have their share, too) but on family and relationships.  However, when you want to try something on at H&M at closing time, it can be quite frustrating.  I was standing outside the dressing room door and the sales clerk told me it was time to close and I had to leave.  Now that doesn't happen in the USA: they will let you try it on because they want the sale...the almighty dollar prevails. 

About family, their maternity leave is rather impressive, unbelievable actually!  The women get a year of maternity leave and the men have six months!  Yep, that's right, the men have paternity leave!  It's so sweet to see the many dads pushing the strollers around the parks and in the grocery markets.  It's obvious the men bond on a much deeper level with their children because of this time.  In fact, while dining over at Matt's colleague's house one night we discussed this very subject.  I told him we did not have time off like that in the States and he asked "how could the father's bond with their children?"and I told him they don't.  It's just not the same as here in Sweden.

And we mustn't forget about holiday!  I don't know how these people get any work done, because they take so much vacation time!  It's remarkable.  I'm talking a month at a time of PAID vacation!  And the bizarre thing is they vacation during the summer when they actually have nice weather!  They leave Stockholm in droves to visit other countries!  Makes more sense to me to stay here when the weather is nice, and take holiday in January when it's so dark and cold.  I don't get it.

However, all this time off comes with a price.  They pay the highest taxes of all: up to 59%!  As one girl told me, "you can't get rich in this country," and I believe she's right!  They do have an excellent public transportation system, which most people take full advantage of,  wonderful museums, free childcare, including meals while the children are at school, and free to low-cost health care.  Back in Texas we would consider this a socialist country, and say it like a cuss word, but after spending a little time here I see the perks of the system.  I think it can be summed up best by saying there is are pros and cons to anything, and everything can't be all bad.  

One last thing, most everyone here speaks English, fluently!  As Americans, we have failed in this area.  Children at a young age are taught to speak English in Sweden, which makes sense considering a child can learn at a much faster pace.  Our children should be taught a foreign language in school, the most practical choice for us being Spanish.  While being here, I've picked up a few Swedish words, like Tack(thank you), Hej, Hej(hello) och(and) rea(sale) mat(food), etc.  I wish I had more time to learn more! 

The rain continues, and sadly we only have one umbrella.  We can take the Metro to T-Central and stop in at Ahlens to pick another one up before heading to dinner.  I hate to leave this city, and more importantly, I hate leaving my forever.  I don't think I can stand going home without him.  Love and kisses darling, missing you already.

Farewell Stockholm and until next time,


Truly, Cinderella

A view of the rain from Matt's Apartment

Friday, April 23, 2010

Another Cute Invitation


The Lord has blessed me with the most wonderful friends and I'm honored and grateful to have these beautiful women in my life.  In fact, they have been hard at work preparing to throw my showers next weekend, and I just can't wait!   In keeping with my vintage theme, Tiffany hand made the most adorable invitations, each one being different. 

My apologies for the glare on the pic, but you can still see the gorgeous work of Tiffany Norris.  She did an excellent job on the invitations!  They are perfect! 

~Truly, Cinderella

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Invitations

Now that the invitations have been sent,  I must share them with you.  The talented Mrs. Lindsey Jones Overman created all aspects of the invitation, informational info, and RSVP with the simple request the design be inspired by The Little Chapel, with a touch of vintage. 


Our venue is absolutely divine; literally, breathtaking.  I fell in love with this historic chapel, from the stained glass windows and wooden pews, to the archway and lanterns hanging from above.   In fact, I asked Lindsey to showcase the lanterns on the invitations, and she did precisely that.

Matt and I really like that our invitations are unique, and they were half the price of traditional invitations.  Lindsey sent the finished design to a local print shop and we had them printed without all the extra overhead.  Perfect!  

Remember those talented friends; oftentimes they are pleased to showcase their work.  They are usually happy to help, especially if you're willing to lend a hand when they're in need. 

~Truly, Cinderella

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Flat Belly Diet

Though it's probably going to take a knife, an operating table, and a experienced plastic surgeon in order for me to have a flat belly, the diet is definitely working!  I have lost a total of ten pounds, and after fifteen more, I will reach my goal weight!  Everything fits better, some clothes are too big, and as Mickey D would say, "I'm lovin it!" 

Zumba is also amazing!  If you're like me, working out has always been a chore; a necessary evil.  But now I've finally found something I love!   In fact, I like it so much I attend at least three classes per week, and some weeks I attend four.  Zumba is my crack and those fantastic instructors are my dealers!  I'm telling you, if you haven't been to Studio 57, then GO!   Bren, Karen, Josh, Hillary, or one of the other wonderful teachers will have you shaking your booty and jiggling your jiggle right off!  Well, at least, the bad jiggle. :)

After much thought, I may just Zumba down the isle, and have brown rice and tomatoes served at the reception!  Go Zumba!  And Happy Flat Belly dieting.

~Truly, Cinderella

Monday, April 19, 2010


Flowers=Money, and lots of it! 

As much as I would love to have Jeff Leatham do my flowers, I must be realistic and cut some of the blooming budget!  In a previous post, "Centerpieces, a true story of vintage," I sampled the centerpiece, sans flowers.  Today, I address the gentleman's adornment.  Where creativity is my muse, unconventional is my merit, thus bringing a fresh take on a old tradition, the boutonniere. 

Feathers.  Pheasant feathers, red feathers, and a button to complete the look.  

The groomsmen are wearing chocolate brown suits with ruby red vests, ties, and pocket squares.  Matthew will wear a champagne tux, vest and tie, but sport a red pocket square to match his men.  
And I believe the feather boutonniere will complete the look.  

Against the brown...

Also a lighter background, like Matt's suit.  

I think this flows with our theme, especially the old buttons, which came from my Nana's old button collection!  

What do you think? 

~Truly, Cinderella

Sunday, April 18, 2010

48 Days

Countdown to the next chapter of my life:  
Marsi Married.

48 days /2 = 24
24 hours /2 = 12 hours
12 hours before our wedding= 10 pm
10 pm= current time

I'm doing so well in the area of commitment, I believe I will commit to blogging.  

Goal: Blog everyday until the big day.  

See you tomorrow,
~Truly Cinderella

Monday, March 29, 2010

Centerpieces, a true story of vintage.

Helen was born in 1909 on a little farm in Texas.  She was number seven out of eight kids and the older kids named her Bay because the youngest boy couldn't say baby.  Of course,  Daisy was born a couple years later making her the official baby in the family but Nana kept the name.  She moved to Los Angeles at the age of seventeen, looking for something more than the dust bowl.  She worked at the first drive-in, the Twin Barrels, which according to Nana, all of Hollywood's finest came to visit.   Not only did the rich and famous stop in, so did Wally, the first husband.  He came to see "his" Helen every day for months, and for months he asked Nana to marry him.   She said no until she couldn't say no anymore.  She was shy, and fresh off the farm, and didn't know what else to do.  The depression, a bleach job, a thirtieth birthday and a miscarriage later,  they divorced.   They were married thirteen years.  Once she had time to heal, she met her soul mate, Al.  He had been married twice before, and she would be his last.  Nana told him, "your stuck," and he was more than happy to be stuck with her.  At some point they left California, lived in New Mexico, and then made there way back to Texas.   They were married forty years and as he drew his last breath on this earth, she was there, holding his hand.  Today, she lives in the house they spent their days together.   In fact, the second story of her home is like a museum.  She has collected many things over her lifetime, things I use to see as junk but now I see as beauty.  Old pictures, and hatboxes fill the closet, while antique pieces fill the bedrooms.   It's a wonderland of vintage, and Nana was kind enough to let me use some items for my wedding/reception.  

In fact, Nana's picture is the inspiration for the centerpieces at the brunch reception.  Originally, I planned on using antique trunks filled with coffee beans, ribbon, fabric, and flowers, but now I want to use old pictures instead of the flowers.   Not only is this a more personal touch, it's also more cost effective.  Nixing some of the flowers will definitely save money!

I like it but it feels incomplete.  Maybe I should leave out the feathers....or arrange items differently.  I don't really know.  Any Ideas?  

One final thought; my Nana will probably not attend the ceremony because of the distance involved, but nonetheless, her presence will be felt.   She is an inspiration to me and my daughters, and she will be missed.  However, her essence, her history, and her era will be woven throughout our ceremony.   

~Truly, Cinderella 

Friday, March 26, 2010

What a Deal! Dancing, Donuts, and a DJ

It was a gorgeous Sunday in Hickory Creek; the sun, bright and warm, beamed down on our smiling faces.  Crape myrtles, bursting with vibrant white blooms welcomed us around the neighborhood, all the while birds provided the melody for our early afternoon stroll.   Matt and I, holding hands, basked in our true love in passing train tracks, shady trees, and main street.  And in the parking lot of retirement home, we danced.  Yep, in the middle of the day, in front of a busy street, time stopped and transported us to an empty dance hall where Matt and I were alone, together.   We hummed our song, She's Everything by Brad Paisly and practiced our two-step for the first dance.  It's the kind of moment a person never forgets, including the drivers passing by!  They must have thought we were crazy, and maybe they're a little bit right.  We're crazy in love. 

This began my fantastic Spring break week!  I had many a task to cross of my wedding to-do list while I was in the Denton area.  First of all, I wanted to check with the baker making my doughnut cake.  To save money, we are not having a traditional wedding cake.  Instead we are having donuts placed on a tiered cake stand, but to give it a unique twist I ordered a specialty knot topper. (Cake something like this:)

I called Chris at Gourmet Donuts (Denton) to see if he would make a model topper for me.  Basically, I want two donuts linked (like rings) to place on the top of the stand.   Chris and his dad, Yung are the nicest guys, which is why I picked this family owned donut shop, and they agreed to make the sample, free!    Here is what they made:

Great job, but not exactly what I want.  I really like the knot in the middle but it looks more like a noose than wedding rings.  I think the sides should be more round in shape.  Next time I'm in Denton, I must remember to run by the shop to discuss.  At least we're on the right track.  For the groom's cake we are going for a more traditional style.  It will be a squared two-tiered cake made of red velvet with Bavarian creme filling.  Matt is still deciding on the toppers.  Maybe golf, maybe a monogram, not quite sure, but Stephanie at the Candy Haven is making it.  They are known in the North Dallas area for making beautiful, delicious cakes.  Yummy!  My mouth is watering while typing this.  Hmmm, maybe a cupcake is in order this afternoon.  Oh, i forgot project thin is still underway, so I better not continue the cake talk.   Moving on...

I found a remarkable deal for DJ services.  Loren Norris for That guy Rocks is providing the music and announcements for our brunch reception.   He agreed to do the three hour reception for a very reasonable price, which frees up my ipod for pre-wedding primping only.  Thank the Lord.  I can just see the nightmare unfold as I try to control the music, while greeting our guests, sipping mimosa's, and dancing with Matt!  No go.  Using this DJ, we can choose our play list via the web!  Perfect for control freaks like me!  Sign contract: check.   

And the wedding plans continue on...

~Truly, Cinderella

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bridal Countdown: PROJECT THIN!

3 months. 

  Three months of bridal, get fit, tan, and tone before the big day!  Why does every bride insist on losing weight before their wedding?  Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Adkins, South Beach, even the cookie diet give hope to all those betrothed to the fitted, strapless dress.  Believe me, the list of diet plans are endless and I've done them all!  In fact, this last week I created my own combination of South Beach/ popcorn/ chai tea diet.  I call it the Miami Movie Latte diet.  Brilliant. 

  In my dreams, or Marsi's World as my friends refer to it,  I will be a size 2, complete with boob job and tummy tuck.  I will pause outside the chapel door, before gliding, without jiggle, down the isle in absolute skinny perfection.  After seeing my rockin, hot bod, my sweetie will pick his jaw up off the floor, just before he faints across the alter.  Right?

  You know, it's not like our guys are Shallow Hal and haven't seen our true bodies.  I mean, I know I must look like Kate Beckinsale through those goggles but when the goggles come off Matt still loves me, for me.   Nevertheless, all confidence is forgotten when I put on that strapless dress, complete with complimentary back fat!  Back to Jillian's 30 day shred for me!

 Along with Jillian's grueling work-out routine, I'm doing Zumba!  I flippin LOVE Zumba!  It's a great work-out and so much fun.  For those of you who may not know, it's a combination of Latin dance moves, like the merengue, cumbia, and salsa, along with other rhythmic dance moves.  I'm taking classes at Studio 57 with the talented instructors Bren,  Karen, and others.

  However, all of this exercise doesn't really matter if I continue to cheat on my diet, oh wait... I mean healthy living lifestyle program.  In 2010, diet it a bad word, but come on, really... let's just call it what it is.  Seriously, do you know of a "healthy living lifestyle program" that allows you to eat Burger King croissant sandwiches?  Yeah, me either.  But that is precisely what I did yesterday.  

Confessions of the slightly chubby (sounds better than fat) bride-to-be;

  My daughter's school is near the fitness center.  After dropping her off at 7:40, I decided to wait in the gym's parking lot until class started at 8:30.  I had my TIME mags ready to keep me occupied, and then it occurred to me.... I have panty lines.  Yep, I was wearing tights with full coverage Vicki's (Victoria Secret) briefs.  I forgot to put on the appropriate panty choice for tight clothing before leaving the house!  I didn't want to drive all the way back home  just to turn around and come back.  What's a girl to do?  I must take the panties off.... but where.  The gym wasn't open yet, my car does not have tinted windows, and there are not a lot of businesses open at 7:45 in the morning. 

  After contemplating the problem, I came up with this TERRIBLE solution.   Drive across the street to Burger King, use their restroom to change, and return to gym parking lot.  Now, I don't like using a business restroom and not purchasing something.  I think that is rude, and of course, I can't be rude.  I approach the counter to buy a bottle of water, and walked away with a bottle of water and...
a croissant sandwich.  

  OK I think, mistake made but my dear friend Natalie will meet me soon and we'll half it.  Then I ate it, ALL of it.  Immediately, I felt regret, and entered the gym with a loaded belly, a guilty conscious, and a happy heart.  Happy because I burned off the calories of the croissant sandwich in Zumba.   I'm not perfect, but I'm trying, and that's half the battle.  

Keep trying,

~Truly, Cinderella

Monday, February 1, 2010

Honeymoon Wishes

Our honeymoon is booked! I told my teenage daughter this morning and she asked, “Maui, Europe?” And I said, “Braces. No we can’t travel to Europe, we have to pay an orthodontist. Fort Lauderdale! And I’m so very excited about it!” And she replies, “Cool.”

Not quite the response I was hoping for, but what more can one possibly expect out of a teenager. At least I got a cool. Cool is actually pretty good. A nod would have translated to ok. And an “oh” would have meant no bueno. I’ll take cool. And yes, when I think Fort Lauderdale I think Golden Girls, or worse yet, Girls Gone Wild. But I think they really have spruced it up down there in the Sunshine state. I’ve been to Miami and absolutely loved it, so I think Fort Lauderdale will be nice. And how did we choose Fort Lauderdale, you ask? For all you money savvy brides out there, I’ll dish.

Like I’ve said before, we are paying for the wedding ourselves. {wedding + money= 0 honeymoon} After making our wedding plans we thought a honeymoon simply wasn’t in the budget. But we realized that we needed that time to bond, without kiddos, and relax after all the hubbub of wedding. And we knew it would be a very long time before the just two of us take a trip again. So the question became, “how can we make this work?” And if there is one thing I enjoy, it’s problem solving.

First problem solved: Free flight anywhere Southwest flies.   Matt and I both have frequent flyer miles.

· We want surf, sand, and sun, leaving us California or Fort Lauderdale.
· Matt called his travel agent at Drifting Sands Travel for ideas.  Marianne  was wonderful and worked with us to find many great resorts with good prices.
· We booked four nights at the Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa in Fort Lauderdale for right around $700. FABULOUS!
· I registered us at  We both have plenty of stuff, so this is a great option for guests who would like to buy us a gift. Maybe we’ll get an extra night, or amenities from our registry. Some couples have had their entire honeymoon paid for by gifts from friends and family. Super!

Honeymoon, check. One more thing we can happily cross off the list. I hope other brides on a budget will find a way to have a special honeymoon with their sweeties.

  1. RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH! You can’t just book the first thing you find; you really must shop around and do your homework. 
  2. Always utilize those connections. If we couldn’t make the beach thing work then we planned on heading to a friend’s lake place for the week. She was very kind to offer it to us, and then we still could have our sand and sun. 
  3. Just Ask.  Whether your speaking with your travel agent or a wedding vendor, don't be afraid to ask for a great deal.  The worst thing they can say is no.  

Most importantly, remember what matters, you’re celebrating your beginning. As long as your together, enjoying each others company, then your honeymooning. Whether that may be a beach, a city, Europe, or Maui. Happy planning,

~Truly, Cinderella 

Westin Diplomat Resort

Friday, January 29, 2010

Truly, Cinderella

I’m obsessed!  Wedding plans have taken over my life!  My poor, sweet finance’ must listen to wedding talk 24/7!  Bless his heart, he never complains and is always good to help me work through ideas.  In fact, he’s so good that after listening to me stress about all the upcoming due dates, and appointments, he customized a spreadsheet for me.  Now everything can be listed in excel in it’s proper category.  Reason 528 why I adore him. 

We have mailed the Save the Dates and now are working on invitations.  The Save the Dates turned out simply fabulous, thanks to the incredibly talented team of Matt and Katrina Ballentine.  Not only did they take the engagement pictures, Matt Ballentine, talented graphic designer, styled the photo magnets.  They completed captured out nostalgic view.  Super job! 
I must share

 Our invitations have been created by another oh-so talented graphic designer, Lindsey Overman.  One Tuesday morning I shot her an email describing a bit of what I wanted.  We are marrying at the historic Little Chapel in the Woods, and the gorgeous lanterns hanging from the ceiling became my inspiration for the invitations.  After sending her pics of the chapel and reminding her of our elegant, vintage theme she shot over the most perfect invitation, all complete by lunchtime!  Incredible.  She customized a design better than I could have asked for.  This girl should have her own marketing/design firm.  Once they have been mailed I will upload a pic so everyone can see.  

And as a last order of business; last night I went to the Technorati site to look for other wedding blogs, and I stumbled on another Encore Bride.  In fact, that is the name of her blog.  She has some great ideas and links on her blog, that I plan to pan over later. 

Truly, Cinderella

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Second chance wedding etiquette

October 4th, 2010. Matthew proposed and I said yes with all my heart and soul. He is the man I should have began life's journey with long ago, and even though I made a wrong turn I'm blessed to have the opportunity to begin again at the new intersection of love and forever. On June 5th I will say I do again, but time without reservations.

I believe encore brides want their second wedding to be perfect, all of it! Maybe even more so than other brides because it’s our “re-do.” It’s our second and hopefully for most, our last chance to get it right. Also, encore brides must be careful to keep all matters in good taste. There are just some things an older, second time bride must or mustn’t do that our younger first-timers can. Let’s discuss etiquette.

White, or not?
The predominate thinking today is encore brides may wear white if they so choose. It’s your day, and you should wear what you want. Personally, I think an ivory, beige, or champagne color is more appropriate. It appears more elegant and sophisticated for the encore bride. You want grandma saying how beautiful you look in the dress, not saying aloud “why is she wearing virgin white?” And what about the headpiece? Avoid the veil, and most certainly a blusher veil, which is a symbol of virginity. Choose instead a tiara, flowers, ribbon, or feathers….get creative with accessories for you hair!

Your names, in black and white. Should we announce our engagement in the local paper?
Yes, if you so choose. If having an engagement party wait to announce it in the paper until after the party. Typically an announcement appears two to three months before the wedding. If you, as a couple are paying for the wedding and would like to announce your engagement then go for it. Especially for the older bride with children it seems silly to write: Mr. and Mrs. Smith (parents of the bride) of anywhere, TX announce the engagement of their daughter….etc.
  • Instead you may word the announcement: The engagement of Ms. Sarah Grace Smith of Anywhere, Texas to Mr. James Richard Grey of Anywhere, Texas has been announced. Ms. Smith graduated from Texas Tech University and is a market analyst with Cullin and Company. Mr. Grey graduated from the University of Texas and is a graphic designer with Cellio Advertising. A September wedding is planned.
  • If you prefer a more informal announcement: Sarah Grace Smith and James Richard Grey are happy to announce their engagement. A September wedding is planned.

Last word: in the age of social networking sites a newspaper announcement is not necessary, but it’s still fun to see your name and photo in print. It’s your time to shine, embrace the spotlight!

It’s raining toasters. My friend wants to throw a bridal shower for me. Is that alright?
Yes, if you live in a different town, or have different friends, or did not have one the first time around. As long as your last shower was before Wedding Crashers became your favorite movie, you should be ok. It’s just a nice way for friends and family to honor your new beginning. And if a bridal shower seems too formal, then have a couples shower. If you have enough stuff, register for a honeymoon. There are some great sites out there.

Should I wear a condom veil?
No, but most definitely have a bachelorette party! I’m all about having a good time with friends, and what better an excuse than celebrating your new “married filing jointly” status. Maybe leave the condom veil for younger, first time brides, (still a bit tacky) and exchange for a palm wand. Spankins anyone? Kidding but seriously; we are encore brides, not nuns! Have a ball, because after all, it’s the last time you will have a bachelorette party.
Well, that is enough etiquette for one day. We’ll revisit this discussion at a later date, and until then….happy planning.

Truly, Cinderella